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Rosa Fey

An animated fighting game mockup, made by a group of 4 for a school project.

Rosa Fey Combo Attack

Rosa Fey Combo Attack

Play Video

Final Animation


Role & Experience

    My role in this project was primarily character design and ideation. I also assisted with animation, specifically the hair animation seen in the walk / jump, and the shading/ pass-through on the idle.

    In the end, the time limit and the complexity of our animation forced us to simplify Rosa's design quite a bit. However, I still thoroughly enjoyed the design process- particularly the different outfits that I drew for her. My primary source of inspiration were the stage outfits for the band Baby Metal, a Japanese metal band that is popular for the way in which their cute vocals contrasts with the heaviness of their music.

    In my design process, I focused on minimizing the amount of moving parts in my character's outfit, so that I could instead focus on having one large set-piece in each design. I did this to avoid clutter and maintain a strong line of sight. For our chosen design, the I chose to include furs on Rosa's arms and neck, which calls the viewer's attention to her primary means of attack - her voice and her microphone.

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